The World Peace Forum, hosted by Tsinghua University, organized by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, and co-organized by Peace Culture Development Group Co., Ltd., is a non-profit international peace event that focuses on world peace and cultural development. The purpose of the forum is "multi-cultural, peaceful coexistence"; the mission is "to build an international platform for cultural exchanges, establish a mutually beneficial mechanism for common prosperity, pool the peace power of human culture, and let the world share the spirit of peace culture". World Peace Forum needs the support and participation of friendly and peace-loving people from all walks of life.

Abide by the cultural philosophy of peace, draw upon Chinese wisdom, promote Chinese spirit, spread Chinese values, and join hands to create a better world.


The 9th
International Security Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era:
Upholding and Practicing Multilateralism

On July 2-4, 2021, the 9th World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University , with the theme “International Security Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era—Upholding and Practicing Multilateralism.” State Councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "safeguarding world peace and promoting human progress". Fukuda Yasuo, former Prime Minister of Japan, Goh Chok Tong, former Prime Minister of Singapore, Hamid Karzai, former President of Afghanistan, Kevin Michael Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia, Herman Van Rompuy, former President of the European Council, Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the UN, and Surakiart Sathirathai, former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, attended the forum online. Embassies of 70 countries in China participated in the forum, of which 57 envoys in China attended offline forum activities. 112 think tank scholars from 12 countries participated in the forum discussion through the online and offline integration approach.

In the two-day forum, former politicians, envoys and think tanks from many countries discussed the crisis under the new situation of pandemic and anti-globalization, seized opportunities from difficulties, put forward creative response plans, and promoted the multi-field and multi-level cooperation of the international community.



The 8th
Stabilizing the World Order:
Common Responsibilities, Joint Management and Shared Benefits

On July 8-9, 2019, the 8th World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. The theme of this forum was "Stabilizing the World Order: Common Responsibilities, Joint Management, and Shared Benefits”. A total of 1 opening ceremony, 3 General Assembly speeches, 1 conference discussion, 1 banquet speech, 4 press conferences and 22 panel discussions were held. Vice President Wang Qishan attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Megawati Soekarnoputri (former President of Indonesia, Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle), Hamid Karzai (former President of Afghanistan), Goh Chok Tong (former Prime Minister of Singapore), Van Rompuy (former President of the European Council), Igor Ivanov (former Secretary of Security Council of the Russian Federation) and other former politicians and opinion leaders from around the world participated in this forum. The total number of foreign guests reached 116, a record high. Among them, 47 ambassadors to China attended this forum, and 15 spoke at the forum, the most in all previous sessions.

According to incomplete statistics after the conference, a total of 179 overseas media and 34 domestic media from 45 countries or regions published 423 reports on this forum in 34 languages. The total number and form of reports hit a record high. Within the scope of statistics, the total number of video clicks of this forum is 3 million, of which the highest clicks of a single video reached 1 million.


The 7th
Constructing a Security Community:
Equality, Equity and Justice

On July 14-15, 2018, the 7th World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. Yang Jiechi, Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Four former foreign dignitaries attended this forum, including former Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, former President of the European Council Van Rompuy, former Afghan President Karzai, and former President of the European Commission José Manuel Dur?o Barroso. In addition, 73 foreign guests from 23 countries spoke at the conference, a record high, and a total of 44 ambassadors to China and 65 embassies in China sent representatives to the conference. This forum held 2 conference speeches, 2 conference discussions, 2 dinner speeches, 6 press conferences, and 26 panel discussions. According to the statistics of the Forum Secretariat after the meeting, 112 foreign media and 34 domestic media from 33 countries or regions have published a total of 315 reports on this forum in 25 languages. Both the total number of reports and the total number of media participating in the report hit a record high, and the international influence of the World Peace Forum has increased significantly.


The 6th
On Challenges to International Security:
Joint Efforts, Responsibility and Reform

On June 24-25, 2017, the 6th World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. Arken Imirbaki, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, attended and delivered a speech. Former State Councilor and Chairman of the World Peace Forum Tang Jiaxuan delivered a welcome speech, and Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, presided over the opening ceremony of the forum. The theme of the 6th World Peace Forum is "On Challenges to International Security: Joint Efforts, Responsibility and Reform". Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, former Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai, former secretary of the Security Council of Russia Ivanov, Iranian Supreme Leader Adviser Seyed Alinaghi Kharrazi, former Pakistani Foreign Minister Riaz Khokhar, former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, former Foreign Ministers of South Korea Kim Sung-hwan and Yoon Young-kwan attended the forum. In addition, 41 ambassadors to China, 36 Chinese international security experts, and 32 foreign international security experts attended the forum.

The forum consists of 2 conference speeches, 2 conference discussions, 3 dinner speeches, 21 panel discussions and 6 press conferences. During the opening of the forum, a total of 130 articles were reported by 52 media from 17 countries and regions, which had a wide range of international influence.


The 5th
The Order of Common Security:
Cooperation, Inclusiveness and Open-access

On July 16-17, 2016, the Fifth World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. The theme of this forum is "The Order of Common Security: Cooperation, Inclusiveness and Open-access ". Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Former Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, former French Prime Minister De Villepin, former Secretary of the Russian Security Council, former High Representative for EU Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana de Madariaga attended the meeting and delivered speeches. In addition, 35 ambassadors to China and more than 70 experts from Chinese and foreign think tanks attended the meeting. The forum consists of 3 conference speeches, 2 conference discussions, 3 dinner speeches, 23 panel discussions and 6 press conferences. 75 media from 28 countries published 301 reports on this forum, the highest number of foreign media reports in previous forums.


The 4th
Overcome Difficulties:
Understanding, Consultation and Reciprocity
On June 27-28, 2015, the 4th World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered a speech under the topic of "Working Together to Build a Community of Common Destiny for World Peace and Security ". Former State Councilor and Chairman of the World Peace Forum Tang Jiaxuan delivered a welcome speech. Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, presided over the opening ceremony of the forum. The theme of the 4th World Peace Forum is "Overcome Difficulties: Understanding, Consultation and Reciprocity". Eight former dignitaries, including former Indonesian President Susilo Bambang, former Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz, former French Prime Minister de Villepin, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, former secretary of the Security Council of Russia Ivanov, former United States Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, former High Representative for EU Common Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana de Madariaga, former Foreign Secretary of India Shyam Saran, attended the forum. In addition, there were also 45 ambassadors to China, 48 Chinese international security experts, 40 foreign international security experts, and 53 embassies.

Within 20 days of the opening of the forum, there were 175 reports from Chinese and foreign media, of which 85 were foreign media reports, 26 more than in 2014, an increase of 39.3%, and mainstream foreign media such as The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, Agence France Presse, Kyodo News, Reuters, RIA Novosti all reported this forum.


The 3rd
In Pursuit of Common Security:
Peace, Mutual Trust and Responsibility
From June 21 to 22, 2014, the third World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University. State Councilor Yang Jiechi attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent a video speech. Mr. Badawi, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mr. Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Stephen Hadley, former United States Deputy National Security Advisor, Mr. Ivanov, former secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Mr. Javier Solana de Madariaga, former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, and other former foreign dignitaries delivered keynote speeches and answered questions. In addition, more than 30 ambassadors to China, 35 well-known foreign think tank experts, and 25 well-known domestic experts and scholars attended the meeting. Mr. Zhang Yesui, Vice Foreign Minister and Mr. Sun Jianguo, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army attended the luncheon and delivered speeches.

After the conference, 64 foreign media published a total of 61 reports (excluding TV reports). Compared with the previous forum, the number of participating media and articles published this year are far more than last year. After the conference, 64 foreign media published a total of 61 reports (excluding TV reports). Compared with the previous forum, the number of participating media and articles published this year are far more than last year. The languages reported by various media include English, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Malay, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Persian, etc.


The 2nd
International Security in a Changing World:
Peace, Development, Innovation
The second forum was held at Tsinghua University from June 27 to 28, 2013, with the theme of “International Security in a Changing World: Peace, Development, Innovation”. Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao delivered an important speech entitled "United in Our Pursuit of Peace and Security". Mr. Koroma, President of Sierra Leone, Mr.Bouterse, President of Suriname, Mr.Jalolov Mirzosharif, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Mr. Badawi, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mr. Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, former Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor of United States, Mr. Ivanov, former secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Mr. Javier Solana de Madariaga, former Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, and other foreign dignitaries and predecessors delivered keynote speeches and answered questions. Foreign Minister Wang Yi delivered a keynote speech at the luncheon.

The forum set up a total of 18 special groups and 8 press conferences, attended by nearly 130 embassy officials and 30 foreign think tank leaders. On the basis of the participation of many former dignitaries, current dignitaries also participated in this forum. Among the participating Chinese and foreign think tanks, more than 40 have working experience at or above the deputy ministerial level; the number of envoys to China has increased significantly, with more than 60 ambassadors attended this forum. Compared with last year, this forum not only has a significant increase in the level and scale of participants, but also fully reflects the cooperation and global characteristics of the forum.


The 1st
Win-win for All:
Peace, Security, Cooperation

 The first World Peace Forum was held at Tsinghua University from July 7 to 8, 2012. Xi Jinping, the then Vice President of China, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Seven former foreign leaders attended the conference and delivered speeches: Alan García Pérez (former President of Peru), Dominique de Villepin (former Prime Minister of France), Shaukat Aziz (former Prime Minister of Pakistan), Abdullah Ahmed Badawi (former Prime Minister of Malaysia), Igor Ivanov (former Secretary of the Russian Security Council), Javier Solana Madariaga (former Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) And Hatoyama Yukio (former Prime Minister of Japan).

The first session consisted of three conferences, three banquet speeches (one by then Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi), and eighteen panel discussions. The topics of the panel discussion were set by Tsinghua University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the panel discussion was chaired by the ambassadors to China. A total of 150 think tank leaders from 21 countries, ambassadors to China from 43 countries, Chinese think tanks and entrepreneurs attended the forum. According to incomplete statistics, in addition to domestic media, a total of 42 media from 21 countries reported on the event.

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